Monday, October 14, 2019

Alternative Substances Part Two

We ended part one with me moving to Austin with very little savings but I managed. I moved with one of my best friends Luna and another friend Mckenzie. Luna was pregnant so her experience was very different than mine and Mckenzies. I'd also starting dating a guy named Low and soon he'd move in.

I'm going to preface this next to say I'm missing a lot between leaving after my car crash to my mom's house parts that are worth mentioning but I'll come back to it.

At the time I was 20 years old, I wanted to experience everything, and when I say everything I mean everything. Mdma, LSD, 25i, 2ci, any research chemical, DMT, heroin, meth, coke, you name it, especially if it was free, I'd do it. I'm going to be 30 in 5 days and the thought of me than trips me out. I barely microdose without hardcore researching.

Our house became a haven of druggies that put our pregnant roommate at risk and for that, I'm sorry because I was apart of it. There were times with the amounts of substances going into our systems I though someone might die or we would get robbed. Turn out, years later, I found out our apartment was almost robbed because of my idiot boyfriend at the time who liked to show off all the cash he was making.

Eventually, I meet this beautiful girl named Shane and she stole my heart. She also led me to the place I tried DMT for the first time, in an apartment full of strangers I'd just met, they offered it to us for free and she was like me and took it. I went first and one hit out of a meth pipe (not saying meth was used in this pipe it was just the way we use to do DMT and some still do now) one hit and I was gone. I traveled out of my body, honestly thought I'd defecated and held on to Shane for dear life hoping she could pull me back down. I repeated to myself "Come back. Come back. Come back." And eventually I did, she was next, she enjoyed herself. blasting to another place. After that I acquired all they had and shared it with my friends, this drug was too special not to share.

This was around the same time, although not the same night, I tried heroin for the first time. Intravenously, with a new needle, a junkie shot us up and Shane and I laid back on the bed and just felt so good and warm. If that drug didn't do such terrible things to people, I'd do it again. But I did it only for two weeks and then stopped, never touching it again. Shane kept going back, I'd come in to try and get her and people would be acting weird, they were out of it and I'm certain people were taken advantage of in their fucked up minds. I also tried meth here for the first time, I smoke it and didn't like it at all and did heroine a little bit later that night. Not exactly a speedball but close.

Shane and I eventually got a place together after I got evicted from mine and met a boy who became a quintessential part of my existence as a human, Robin. We exchanged LSD often and he started coming around more and I and Shane became more distant. I don't think she liked LSD that much, I don't think she liked me and Robin together that much. We would party together in that place often. I'd get puddled, that's where someone feeds you acid, I took more acid with Robin than any other person, over 15 hits is my highest count but who can ever tell when someone just keeps giving you more.

I'm going to keep writing later on this, it gets to trippy to get into now and I have work to do.

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