Wednesday, August 14, 2013

....And Thus Begins

For a very long time I’ve been writing articles about things going on in the world and different protests I’ve attended and my work has just sat, in my computer, for only my eyes and the few people I occasionally sent my work to. I’ve felt for a very long time that my work wasn’t good enough yet for people to see. I was afraid of being judged and that fear stifled me as a journalist and prevented me from getting out information to people. I’ve just recently let go of that fear. I will not grow as a writer or an activist if I do not allow myself the room to grow and learn from my mistakes.

My goal for this blog is to wake people up about things going on in my local community, the United States and at times the world. I’ll be writing about protests I go to, but also topics of interest I feel are worth writing about. I want my posts to insight questions and get people to think, and think for themselves. I also want to educate and put things in an easy to understand way because I know that getting into politics and other issues can be intimidating because of all the information that comes with getting involved. I want to change that with my writing. I am not an expert on any of the topics I write about but I am a student of the world and I take great pride in the knowledge I gain from reading and researching my articles.

I’m a traveler and since I was born I have never lived in one place for longer than 5 years, and as I’ve gotten older that number has begun to dwindle and is closer to 6 months that I live in a place. Living this lifestyle has opened my eyes to many amazing and beautiful things this world has to offer but just as easily as I’ve seen the beautiful I have seen the ugly and decrepit. I also strive to see why people think the way they do and believe the things they do. I think without this understanding or willingness to at least listen to each other we lose the respect we should have for each other.

In order for things to change in this world it is going to take people standing up and deciding that things need to be different. We can no longer stay quiet and watch idly as our government and the powers at be take away our rights and destroy our planet. It’s up to every person no matter how small the action, to actually take action in this fight, to change our world into a better place and change the direction it is headed.

I feel like this is the right action for me to take in that fight for change.

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